07 Apr LA COSA changes. SOUNDTRACK is born!
1. When and how was SOUNDTRACK born?
The SOUNDTRACK project was born in 1994 out of the desire of its founder, Massimo Pontoriero, to find innovative solutions to offer the ideal sound dimension to all professional users. Originally it was LA COSA, a cooperative that offered services to show business professionals. Over the years, the company has specialised in the professional use of music, becoming the leading company in the sector in Italy.
Because SOUNDTRACK is international and its name speaks for itself. LA COSA was an adventure, a deep, sophisticated and multi-sectoral research but limited to Italy. SOUNDTRACK is a simple and straightforward idea, an On-Demand service; it’s what we really are: professionals dedicated to sound and music rights.
3. What does SOUNDTRACK actually do?
Our professionals support users, whether broadcasters, audiovisual and film producers, website and multimedia developers, event organisers or others, in soundtracking their productions and managing all issues related to music rights. This is made possible by our technology platforms PROTONES, the professional on-demand music archive, and RENDIcast, the complete music rights clearance solution.
4. Why use SOUNDTRACK?
Because our unique expertise allows us to prevent and solve production problems that, if ignored or neglected, can lead to legal pitfalls and unexpected expenses. Because we guarantee maximum security concerning all bureaucratic requirements and provide our customers with transparent solutions of the highest quality, without hidden costs. Questo è ciò che abbiamo sempre fatto. With SOUNDTRACK it’s easy!
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