04 Jan The great escape of Italians from TV: Netflix and Amazon represent the third pole.
According to Auditel surveys, in the last quarter of 2021, the new third Italian television hub consists of Netflix and Amazon Prime, with growth over 2019 of 34.7%.
As we know, the 2020 lockdown had increased the audience. Still, in 2021 it went back to falling below the levels of 2019: -12.45% in 2020, equal to almost one and a half million audiences lost on an average day, and -3.9% compared to 2019, equivalent to 414 thousand spectators.
Except for Dazn, which grew by 214% thanks to sporting events, all other broadcasters are losing their audience. RAI loses more than Mediaset, mainly due to the decision to broadcast its new digital channels in the new Mpeg4 TV standard in HD, which older generation televisions cannot see.
Thus Rai loses over half a million plays in 2020 and 228 thousand in 2019 (-6.1). Technological innovations have always influenced television consumption.
Over time, the growing diffusion of Smart TVs connected to the Internet will lead to the affirmation of streaming TVs, free or not The process will grow with 5G and the obligation to change TVs.
In the homes of Italians, according to the Censis-Auditel report, presented in November 2021, there are 43.1 million TV sets, of which 27.7 million, more than half, owned by 12 million families, unable to see the new standard.
Among these, 8.4 million in three million households, or 12.8% of the total, are missing only the requirements to see the channels in the standard chosen by RAI.
In all 119.4 million screens, an average of five per family, including 48 million smartphones and 15 million Smart TVs capable of connecting to the Internet and watching streaming content.
Four million Italians surf the Internet through Smart TV but, above all, 7.3 million watch TV programs on the Internet also broadcast by traditional television, and 4.2 million do so via smartphones.
The generalist networks lose less than the total: -12.1% in 2020 and -2.8% in 2019.
The new RAI channels, -22.5% on 2020 and -19.5% on 2019.
Mediaset loses fewer audiences than RAI in 2020 (but similarly in 2019, -6.2%) only because its digital channels (+ 14%) have almost all remained visible for old TVs.
After RAI and Mediaset, Netflix and Amazon Prime follow (moreover detected only when received on SmartTV and not on smartphones, PCs, tablets, etc.), followed by Discovery, Sky and La 7.
If we look at the Auditel surveys relating only to connected Smart TVs, we observe that Netflix and Amazon Prime are at the top of the ratings with a share of 15.92% against 13.67% of Canale 5 and 13.47% of Rai1, except in prime time, in which Rai1 remains in the first place.
Women are the majority of the public (55.89%) but have decreased compared to 2020 by 13.3%, while males, who represent 44.11%, have decreased by 11.65%.
Consumption drops more between the ages of 20 and 24 (-28.69%) and between 25 and 34 (24.28%). The decline between 70 and 74 decreases to only 5.9% and over 75 to 1.78%.
The audience share drops among graduates and those with no qualifications, less so among those with a medium-low education.
It drops more among the Northern Regions: Liguria -16.5%; Lombardy -16.1%; Trentino-Alto Adige -26%; Puglia -13.28%; Basilicata -5.44%; Calabria -9.85%; Sicily -6.79% and Campania -10.1%.
Foreign families and individuals have seen more television than in 2020, so the Italians, historically more fond of it, are the ones who have escaped from traditional television.
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